
Navigating Inflation

Inflation, a curse of developed economies during the 1970s and 1980s, was an economic malady remembered largely by Central Bankers in recent decades as the world’s leading economies basked in a low interest rate environment. This convenient climate for investment shattered in the last eighteen months.  Given the current prominence of inflation as a topic of concern t his blog post provides a snapshot of this rise in prices, action to reign back inflation and consequences for the banking sector, including JP Morgan.  According to the World Bank's newest Global Economic Prospects report, global growth is slowing rapidly due to soaring inflation, higher interest rates, less investment and disruption from Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The report also stated that, per-capita income growth in emerging market and developing nations is expected to average 2.8% over the next two years, a full percentage point lower than the 2010-2019 average  (Bank, 2023) . In developed economies,...

Doing Their Bit: JP Morgan’s Part in the Ukraine-Russia Conflict

It is just over a year since the war in Ukraine began, during which time JP Morgan has taken steps to assist Ukraine in these difficult times. As discussed below, help has been both financial and advisory, including a memorandum on further help when the war is over. This aid has taken place against a background where JP Morgan’s market performance has been seriously, and adversely, affected by war.  Little has gone as planned since Vladimir Putin sent his tanks across the Ukrainian border on Thursday the 24 th  of February 2022. Throughout 2021 and 2022, a Russian military build-up on Ukraine's border exacerbated tensions and damaged bilateral ties, eventually culminating to Moscow launching a full-scale invasion of the nation. Russia's blitzkrieg failed, and the fighting stalled for months until Ukraine launched effective counter-offensives. Though NATO cannot join Ukraine’s war against Russia, along with Allies they have provided Ukraine with unprecedented levels of sup...

JP Morgan Goes Green: Paving the Way for Sustainable Finance

One of the largest problems confronting the world today is climate change, which calls for action from all spheres of society, including the financial sector. JP Morgan is aware of its obligation to advance environmental sustainability and has taken many steps to combat climate change. I will examine JP Morgan's climate commitments in this blog post, including its adherence to the Paris Agreement, carbon reduction targets, green financing programmes, ESG investment, and participation in carbon markets. Rising sea levels and more frequent and severe weather events are only two examples of how climate change is having an impact on the planet. As a significant financial organisation, JP Morgan understands the urgency of addressing climate change and has pledged to support environmental sustainability in a number of ways.  è   Paris Agreement  In 2020, JP Morgan committed to aligning its financing activities with the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. In 2020 the...

Aligning Business Goals with Global Sustainability: JP Morgan’s Role in the UN’s Development Agenda

In recent years, there has been growing concern over the impact of business and finance on the environment and society. As a result, many companies are now looking to align their corporate strategies with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One company that has taken a leading role in this area is JP Morgan. In this blog post, I will give a brief background on what are the UNs SDGs and explore the ways in which JP Morgan is contributing to the SDGs and the impact that its efforts are having on the world.   What are the United Nations SDGs   On the 1 st  of January 2016, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which were adopted by world leaders in September 2015, officially came into force by the UN’s 193 member states. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development consists of 17 goals which apply to developed and developing countries that address economic, environmental and social issues. These goals recognise that ending poverty and other de...

JP Morgan Chase & Co 101

Welcome to my blog where I will be discussing JP Morgan over the coming weeks! Here is a brief introduction to the bank, from its beginnings to its current status as a global powerhouse. Follow along for insights and analysis on all things JP Morgan!  JP Morgan Chase & Co was founded December 31 st   2000, when JP Morgan & Co incorporated with the Chase Manhattan Corporation. It operates in more than 100 countries and has $2.6 trillion in assets  (JPMorgan, 2023) . Headquartered in New York City, JP Morgan Chase has developed into a world leader in investment banking, commercial banking, financial transaction processing and asset management.      Considered one of the world’s most systemically important bank according to the rankings from the G20’s Financial Stability Board late last year  (Reuters, 2022) . A multinational investment bank and financial services company that was named after John Pierpont Morgan, a prominent American financier, w...